Event Place

Gettysburg, PA; East Durham, NY

Event Date

Sept. 23-29, 2024 (NY)
April 13-17, 2025 (PA)
June 1-5, 2025 (PA)

Gettysburg, PA (April & June);

East Durham, NY (Sept.)

Sept. 23-29, 2024 (NY)
April 13-17, 2025 (PA)
June 1-5, 2025 (PA)

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When you have a high-energy dog, dog sports can help burn off some of that extra energy. When you have five high-energy Jack Russell Terriers and a Dutch Shepherd, dog sports become something of a necessity. A busy dog…is a dog who’s not wrecking the house!

For upstate New Yorker Dawn Strawn, her passion for dogs and dog sports first led her to attend Canine Camp Getaway as a guest in 2015, where she enjoyed participating in a wide variety of sports, from agility to Flyball. Already active in Earth Dog, she spent much of her first camp helping introduce staff and campers to this sport. Soon after, she began taking classes and competing in Barn Hunt – and her dogs excelled at the sport, with Phantom earning his RATM (Master) title and Ransom, also a Therapy Dog, earning his RATS (Senior) title and currently working on his RATM.

By 2016, Dawn was back as a full time staff member sharing her love of the sport with campers.

Since then, her dog Havoc earned his FDX in Flyball and Sprite began competing in Nosework, while her dutch shepherd Hoax earned his Dock Master title and a coveted invitation to AKC Nationals two years running. Dawn travels frequently to competitions, and enjoys lure coursing, Flyball, agility, dock diving, parkour and many other dog sports.

Her artistic talents also make her a natural for Canine Camp Getaway’s “Barks & Crafts” classes, where she brainstorms creative projects for campers to engage in during their down time, making fun souvenirs to remind them of their camp adventure.

In addition to her give Jack Russells, one dutch shepherd, six Barn Hunt rats and two dwarf goats, Dawn has a very understanding husband who cares for the animals who stay home while she’s at camp. She’s looking forward to introducing her new “rat pack” to the new campers and working with guests on barn hunt, agility, Barks & Crafts and more!