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Gettysburg, PA

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Gettysburg, PA

East Durham, NY

Canine Camp Getaway

Do you love spending time with your dog? Does a vacation surrounded by dogs and dog lovers sound like your idea of fun? If so, you’ll love Canine Camp Getaway!

Created for dogs and dog lovers, Canine Camp Getaway is the ultimate dog-friendly vacation, filled with wonderful activities you can share with your four-legged best friend. From agility, barn hunt, hiking and swimming in the dog-friendly pool to lure coursing, nose work, dog yoga, canine freestyle dance, rally obedience, canine fitness, disc dog, flyball, “Barks & Crafts” and classes in Canine CPR, dog nutrition and so much more, this vacation offers something for everyone!

We welcome dogs of all sizes, ages and abilities, as long as they are social with dogs and humans. No formal training or experience is needed — our trainers, dog sport instructors and staff veterinarians will show you and your dog the ropes, whether your pup is looking to brush up on some old skills or learn a few new tricks. Dogs can try their paw at a wide variety of dog sports, or, if you prefer, you can just take it easy and hang out together by (or in) the pool, enjoy “Yappy Hour” in the dog-friendly lounge, or go for a hike with your best buddy to take in all the new sights and smells.

This is one retreat that’s a real treat — for you AND your dog. So give your dog the gift of a lifetime and sign up today!

Play Together, Learn Together, Vacation Together

Black and white Border Collie jumping over a woman to catch a flying disc in a grassy field.

From agility, lure coursing, hiking and swimming to barn hunt, happy ratters, nose work, disc dog, flyball, rally, dog yoga, canine freestyle dance, parkour, canine fitness, dog bingo and so much more, we have activities for dogs of all ages, sizes and abilities. Your dogs can polish up their skills or try their paw at something new at camp!

Pet First Aid & Disaster Response Guide at Canine Camp Getaway.

Enjoy seminars by top veterinarians and trainers, learn Canine CPR, take classes to train for the Canine Good Citizen or Therapy Dog test or ask questions at our open vet Q&A sessions — camp offers a wealth of educational resources to help you and your dog live longer, happier and healthier lives!

Wet Golden Retriever with an orange toy in its mouth, standing at the edge of a pool.

Fun & Games

Vacations are meant to be fun, with plenty of games, contests and activities designed to ensure everyone has a good time. From “Barks and Crafts“ to our daily Game of the Day , dog-friendly karaoke and movie night to our Silent Auction for Charity, you and your dog will find plenty of fun things to do at camp, day or night!


Photo Credits:  Inner Mountain Photography; Edward Perry, E Perry Photography; Shelby Wise, Wise K9 Photography

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  • Founder Janice Costa has been featured on The CBS Evening News with Katie Couric, Animal Planet,, Connecticut’s “Pet Talk,” “Pets Teach Us So Much” and “Women Making a Difference” radio shows, as well as in Fido Friendly magazine, AKC Family Dog, Canine Journal, Newsweek, American Lifestyle, Newsday, The New York Daily News, Every Day With Rachel Ray magazine, The Washingtonian, AOL’s Paw Nation,, and numerous others.

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