My sister Melina complained that she doesn't have a FB page of her own, and no one gets to see pictures of her. I, being a good sister, agreed to feature her in her very own post. So...this is Melina, the thief! She is pictured here with the toy that she stole from Mommy's camp store box. If she were more when an alligator mysteriously disappeared from the camp store inventory...there would be no photo evidence. Not that I would know anything about that! But Melina is impulsive, and silly (she's only half a malinois, and half a silly lab, and often, the silly wins out!), and she likes to show off the stuff she steals, apparently unaware that prancing around with stolen stuff in your mouth tends to limit the plausible deniability factor. But she's young, still, and she'll learn. In the meanwhile, she's an easy patsy for when anything goes missing -- treats from the countertop, toys, Mommy's sandwich, etc. She's a great sister -- even if she IS a couch hog -- and tackling her is one of my favorite things. I'm in charge of her, and I raised her, so she's pretty awesome. She also prefers sharks to alligators (did I mention she's very silly?), but this just means MORE alligators for KAYLEE, so it's all good! If you can find yourself a malidor sister, I highly recommend it! #kayleeslittlesister #thekayleechronicles #kayleeuncrated
