Canine Camp Getaway is geared for dog lovers who enjoy doing things with their best friend, and as such, each camp is filled with a host of fun-filled activities for dogs and their human companions. Whether your dog is young or old, high energy or a happy couch potato, an experienced athlete or a total novice, there are plenty of activities to enjoy. Instruction is provided for dogs of all skill levels, ages and abilities. From morning hikes along scenic mountain trails to agility classes, scent detection workshops to lazy time lounging by or in the pool with your dog, there’s plenty to do, see, smell and experience. Below is just a partial listing of some of the exciting activities planned for this year’s Getaways:
Agility, Beginner through Advanced
Agility Handling
Agility Speedway
Ask the Vet
Ask the Trainer
Barks & Crafts
Barn Hunt
Canine CPR & Pet First Aid
Canine Fitness
Canine Freestyle Dancing
Costume Contest
Disc Dog (Frisbee)
Dock Diving (June & Sept. only)
Dog Skateboarding
Dog Yoga (April & June)
Flyball (June & Sept)
Game of the Day
Guided Hikes
Happy Ratters
Loose Leash Walking
Lure Coursing
Movie Night Under the Stars
Nose Work
Obedience Classes
Prep & Testing for the Canine Good Citizen Exam
Prep & Testing for the Therapy Dog Exam
Rally Obedience
Scent Detection
Seminars by Veterinarians and Trainers
Shaping Games
Shopping in the CCG Store
Silent Auction to Support Animal Charities
Swimming Lessons
Swimming – Free Swim
Tricks for Every Dog
Tricks Testing for AKC titles
Water Games
Yappy Hour